The Knitty Gritty

Cozy Up By the Fire with Warm Fuzzy Socks

It’s that time of year again, when the days are short and the nights are long. The sun sets early and the colder temperatures are here to stay for the next few months. We definitely think bears have the right idea with hibernation! You may not be able to skip work and school for the next three months and just to sleep through the winter, but you can totally make the best of it in warm, fuzzy socks!

One of our favorite ways to spend time together as a family is by cozying up in front of the fireplace. Here’s the Socksmith checklist of everything you need, to make a cozy night in the best part about winter.

Warm, fuzzy socks for the whole family. Nothing takes the fun out of cozying up by the fireside like cold toes. Wrap every family member’s feet in fluffy socks! The Socksmith family always makes sure our cozy nights start and finish with the best cozy and fuzzy socks we can find.

A cozy fire in the fireplace. Don’t happen to have a fireplace—or live here on the west coast, where it’s too warm to light one? No problem! You can easily access the image of a cozy fire on Netflix or YouTube. Or, light a bunch of candles for the same glowing effect.

A warm and snuggly blanket. A homemade blanket knitted by a loved one is perfect for keeping warm. A fuzzy fleece blanket, a snuggie, a face blanket, or a mermaid tail blanket (or mermaid socks!) will also do the job. Or you can even don their tootsies with warm, fuzzy socks to stay extra warm and cozy!

Family favorite junk food and snacks. Tis’ the season for all things delicious. Think caramel corn, peppermint chocolate, or your favorite movie theater candy. If you’re feeling ambitious, pull out a family dessert recipe and get baking! What’s better? How about cookies and cream socks while making the snacks? And don’t forget to add a dollop of soft serve ice cream to that pie!

A hot beverage to keep your hands warm. In between bites of your favorite snacks, warm your hands around a steaming mug of hot cocoa, coffee, or tea. Add cinnamon or peppermint or even an extra squeeze of chocolate syrup to make it super festive. Want to go above and beyond? We’re thinking… coffee socks to match that tea time!

A classic movie on TV. Pick your favorite holiday classic, or an unrelated movie that your family just loves all year round. Make this a weekly tradition and let everyone take turns picking the movie, or decide as a family. You could even go in a really untraditional direction and load up some old home videos to watch together. You may be surprised to see what memories will come flooding back!

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